Gautier Miquet Xisabla

Web Explorer 🚀 Code Wizard 🧙

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In journey to become one of the greatest mage of the IT cast. Knowledge is steel and Imagination is my hammer.

I'm into Web and Software development, my favorite meals are Typescript & C++.


2012 Figured out magic exists

I was about 13 when I entered the magical world of code and IT. I began with a very simple static website and also had fun with Windows MS-DOS scripts and games I wrote.


2014 Started learning Node.js

Even though I learned PHP earlier, I really fell in love with back-end by learning Node. It appears JavaScript is now my favorite programming language with a collection of fresh new spells to cast.


2015 My first RaspberryPi

Kind of a turning point. I started getting involved in the GNU/Linux with my first RaspberryPi. I learned about server management, configuration and a bit of automation and industrialization. Linux would become my favorite environment and I would setup my first Archlinux dual-boot few years later.


2017 Graduated from High School

During High School, I got very curious about Mathematics in Physics but way too much interested about IT. After my graduation, I chose to study in Engineering school specialized in IT.


2018 Started learning C

Another turning point, I began learning about low level behaviors, memory management, memory allocation, compilation, ... Eventually, C and more C++ became my second favorite programming languages.

I started writing my own spell books named Makefiles to master my new magic. Later I learned about CMake and some libraries and frameworks such as Qt, SFML and SDL.


2018 Nyrio Robotics

At the end of my first year of Engineering School, I made a small internship in a small startup called Nyrio Robotics. I spent a month crafting robotic arms, assembling pieces, motors and small motherboards. Not so much magic involved, but as a great Lego fan I really enjoyed.


2021 - Now Worldline

I am currently in apprenticeship at Worldline France in a SysAdmin team. I learned a lot about Kubernetes, Ansible, and much more about operational jobs and server management.


2022 Graduated from Junia ISEN

Soon, I will acquire my Engineering School graduation. I still have some courses, exams and apprenticeship reports in between.


Today And now what ?

Today, I'm looking for a job where my curiosity and experience can be usefully. I desire to use my magic and wisdom to solve problems.

I'm keen into international experiences in web or software development, but still open to any opportunity !

🔮 Artifacts Environment

Android S.

📔 Arcana Programming languages


🪄 Magic wands Tools

Library icon

2022 SFGL

Simple and Fast Game Library is an Open-Source C++ project based on the SFML. It is inspired from the JS library phaser.

I take part into the global development of the project and focus on allowing cross-platform compatibility.

Vulture icon

2021 Vulture Darwin Filter

Vulture is an OpenSource Web Application Firewall in C++ including multiple custom frameworks such as Darwin.

I took part in the development of a Darwin filter aiming to reject malicious HTTP requests by analyzing their fingerprints with the usage of A.I.

I had the mixed role of Technical Leader and Developer.

Agriculture icon

2021 DAUville

As a team of 6 students, we started the project a monitoring web interface for Urban Agriculture. This project will be iterated by new student teams over the years before reaching its final form.

I aimed into making a strong back-end architecture and review the code and documentation of mates to ensure the best readability for the future teams.

Interface icon

2020 AtilaCalculatorSoftware

On this project, I had to remake the graphical interface of a software for visualizing 3D simulation results. It uses Qt and VTK.

CombaTiment's main character

2019 CombaTiment

Serious game written in JavaScript using phaser on the theme of Smart Building and Environment.

This project inspired the SFGL project.

GalenaCpp screenshot

2019 GalenaCpp

With a colleague we created a low-level programming language aiming to compute and plot mathematical functions.

The user's program is parsed using flex and bison into low code level instructions using C++

Experiments icon

Anytime Fun Lab

I use to explore libraries and softwares on smaller projects. I like having fun with popular JavaScript libraries such as ReactJS, NestJS or Swagger.

About C/C++, I'm into trying some funny low level stuff such as making my own FileSystem or Neural Network implementation. My main source of inspiration is build-your-own-x.

Tolkien's Universe

Tolkien Silmarillion's poster

I'm a great fan of J.R.R. Tolkien's universe. I did read The Silmarillion, Unfinished Tales and began The Hobbit.

I highly recommand the Youtube channel Nerd of the Rings and the Spotify podcast of The Tolkien Professor.

Warhammer 40k

Warhammer figurine photo

I'm in love with the universe of 40k. Painting Black Templars but haven't play for the moment.

"No Fear! No Pity! NO REMORSE!"

Age of Empires IV

Age of Empires 4 poster

Age player here. I discovered RTS games with AOE3 and I'm now playing the new opus.

Of course I enjoy playing French, but I favor Roman Rush.

League of Legends

League of Legends poster

I also am a League player. Started the game at High School and still playing today. Mostly normal games even though I usually try to climb the ladder.

Main garen, btw.